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Prunus serotina
A black cherry tree prunus serotina full of red berries in late summer
Cherry prunus serotina
Blossoming branches of Prunus serotina
Prunus serotina in bloom in spring
Beautiful red, yellow and orange coloured foliage on a black cherry tree prunus serotina
Flowering Prunus serotina tree in spring
Prunus serotina
Prunus serotina fruits
Prunus serotina tree in bloom
Prunus Serotina Tree with Fruit.
Branches with ripe fruits of wild black cherry, Prunus serotina.
Prunus serotina tree in bloom
Cherry prunus serotina
Closeup of racemes of Prunus serotina
Buds, fruiting bodes, and leaflets black cherry
Buds, fruiting bodes, and leaflets black cherry
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