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War Memorial and Clock Tower at Seymour Square in Blenheim town, New Zealand
Brown pelican on the shore of north seymour galapagos
Seymour Mountain with Vancouver Downtown in Background
Galapagos prickly pear Opuntia echios var. zacana on North Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands
Galapagos prickly pear Opuntia echios var. zacana on North Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands
Seymour Grass Blossom Texture
Sesuvium plants Sesuvium edmondstonii and Palo Santo Bursera graveolens trees. North Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands
Bird frigate with red breast on the nest during mating season Galapagos islands North Seymour
Rocks as far as the eye can see on the shores of North Seymour Island
Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens with Daphne Major in the background, North Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands
Land Iguana at Isla Seymour Norte Galapagos Archipelago Ecuador
Cars park at parking lot in Mount Seymour Provincial Park near Mount Seymour Resort in autumn season on sunny day.
Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens male with wing over female in Palo Santo tree, North Seymour Island, Galapagos
Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens male with red pouch extended and female, North Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands
Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens male in flight with scarlet throat pouch inflated, North Seymour Island, Galapagos
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