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Viaduct view from hill, Knaresborough, England
Knaresborough viaduct panorama, England
Village on river bank in Knaresborough, UK
A Mother Shipton Moth, Callistege mi, nectaring from a Comfrey flower in a meadow in the UK.
Luxury homes on river bank, Knaresborough, England
Luxury homes on river bank, Knaresborough, England
Castle on hill in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, UK
Statue of Mother Shipton`s cave in Knaresborough
Row of hire boats on river
River boats
Bridge & boats on river Nidd, Knaresborough, UK
Hire boats & bridge, river Nidd, Knaresborough, UK
Viaduct bridge over river Nidd, Knaresborough, UK
Viaduct view from hill, Knaresborough, England
Bridge arch and castle in Knaresborough, Yorkshire
Shipton`s Arch a conglomerate natural arch
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