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Jesus dies on the cross, 12th Stations of the Cross in St. Stephen`s church in Wasseralfingen, Germany
Virgin Mary, detail of high altar in St. Joseph`s Church in Bad Urach, Germany
Jesus falls the first time, 3rd Stations of the Cross, St. Stephen`s church in Wasseralfingen, Germany
Jesus is given his cross, 2nd Stations of the Cross in St. Stephen`s church in Wasseralfingen, Germany
Birth of Jesus, detail of high altar in Church of Our Lady of Sorrows in Rosenberg, Germany
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Jesus is condemned to death, 1st Stations of the Cross in St. Stephen`s church in Wasseralfingen, Germany
Jesus meets the daughters of Jerusalem, 8th Stations of the Cross in St. Stephen`s church in Wasseralfingen, Germany
Jesus falls the second time, 7th Stations of the Cross, St. Stephen`s church in Wasseralfingen, Germany
Crucifixion: Jesus is nailed to the cross, 11th Stations of the Cross in St. Stephen`s church in Wasseralfingen
High altar in St. Joseph`s Church in Bad Urach, Germany
Jesus falls the third time, 9th Stations of the Cross in St. Stephen`s church in Wasseralfingen, Germany
Jesus is laid in the tomb and covered in incense, 14th Stations of the Cross
Jesus meets His Mother, 4th Stations of the Cross in St. Stephen`s church in Wasseralfingen, Germany
St. Francis celebrates Christmas in Greccio
Supper at Emmaus, detail of altar in Chapel in Oberstaufen, Germany
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