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Gedong Songo Hinduism temple in central Java
Take a vacation to the Gedong Songo temple to ride a horse.
The name of the Menara Kudus Mosque. This mosque is a legacy of one of the Wali Songo.
Gedong Songo Temple
Gedong Songo Temple
Gedong Songo Hinduism temple in central Java
Candi III in the Candi Gedong Songo, Central Java, Indonesia
A traditional building in the Dogon village of Songo, Mali, Africa
Gedong Songo Temple
Boats Waiting for Water Levels to Rise in Songo Canal
Gedong Songo Hinduism temple in central Java
Gedong Songo Hinduism temple in central Java
Smiley leopard Gecko Macro Photo-4
Gedong songo temple II
Gedong Songo Hinduism temple in central Java
Rooftops of a traditional village in Mali
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