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Castle Passageway
Massive God Statures at Luxor Temple Entrance in Aswan Egypt
Barrel organ
Japanese maples with a temple
Japanese maples with a temple.
Horse carved with oriental decoration.
Street organ
Chocolade figures
Balcony in spring
Richmond Va USA Maymount with trees, fountains, hills, mansion at sunset.
Richmond Va USA Maymount with trees, fountains, hills, mansion at sunset.
Richmond Va USA Maymount with trees, fountains, hills, mansion at sunset.
Fenao Lopes sculpture on the Camões Monument located in LuÃs de Camões Square in the Chiado neighbourhood of Lisbon, Portugal.
Richmond Va USA Maymount with trees, fountains, hills, mansion at sunset.
Basilica of Saint Peter
Black scooter in terrace : perfume of Italy
Cowboy town (5)
Public art works on the streets of Calgary.
Do Re Me Fa Sol Si Do. Title for this set of Horses.Calgary.
Kabuki Bow Valley Square Calgary.
Public art works on the streets of Calgary (33)
Public art works on the streets of Calgary (36)
Weaving Fence and Horn
One of the many Bollards. Geelong Aust.
Public art works on the streets of Calgary (10)
Sitting Eagle.
A-Maze ing -Laughter.English Bay Vancouver.
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