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Prague Stefanik Observatory
Statue of general M.R. Stefanik
The general Stefanik statue
Wooden statue Stefanik
Milan Rastislav Stefanik
Milan Rastislav Stefanik
Statue of M.R.Stefanik and a Lion
Wooden statue Stefanik
Statue of Milan Rastislav Stefanik at the Stefanik Observatory on Petrin Hill in Prague
Evangelic church and Museum of Stefanik in Kosariska, Slovakia
General Milan Rastislav Stefanik
Statue of general M. R. Stefanik in Brezno town
Mohyla of Milan Rastislav Stefanik on the Bradlo hill in Brezova pod Bradlom
Wooden statue Stefanik
Statue of General Stefanik
Panorama of Prague
Panorama of Prague
Natal home
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