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Stubble Field 2 Free Stock Images
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A path across a field of stubble to the Grade 2 listed Guibal fanhouse at Skelton Shaft iron mine, Yorkshire, UK
Young man walking on a stubble-field
Wheat Field Antelop 3-2-1
Straw Bale 2
Harvesting - 2
John Deere tractors plowing and swathing wheat
hay 2
Pouring fertilizer 2
Colorful fields and meadows 2
Shiras Moose
John Deere A tractor and two bottom plow
Restored John Deere tractor tractor hooked to a four bottom trip plow
Scotland, the UK, Europe - John O`Groats.
Scotland, the UK, Europe - John O`Groats; sunny day.
Scotland, the UK, Europe - coastline in John O`Groat.
Stubble field
Stubble field
Stubble Field
Stubble field
Stubble field
Stubble field
Corn field with stubble
Wide open stubble field with straw
Closeup of a stubble field after harvesting
Carefree young girl in stubble field
Winter field
Field of stubbles
Field of stubbles
Closeup of a stupple field after harvesting wheat
Stubble fire
Stubble fire being lit
Field full of bales.
Mown field of wheat.
Haystack and stubble by summertime.
Haystack and stubble by summertime.
Terrier Dog Running in Straw Stubble
Haystack and stubble by summertime.
Field of gold; stubble field at harvest-time.
Field in oats
Burnt field 2
Wheat field
Wheat field
Field after harvest.
Golden field
Tree on a field
Wheat Field
Wheat field
Rye field
Bird in a field
Little girl in a wheat field
Littel girl in a wheat field
Burnt field
Little girl in a wheat field
Mowed field
Yellow field
Wheat Field
Yellow field
Field after harvest
Yellow field
Yellow field
Plowed field.
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