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Bluespotted stingray and a common lionfish
Taeniura lymma
Bluespotted stingray resting on a coral reef.
Bluespotted ribbontail stingray (Taeniura lymma) near coral reef
Fish : Taeniura Melanospilos
Bluespotted stingray (Taeniura lymma)
Bluespotted stingray (taeniura lymma)
Blackblotched stingray (taeniura meyeni)
Bluespotted stingray
The bluespotted ribbontail ray Taeniura lymma
Bluespotted Stingray - Taeniura lymma
Rat snake
Bluespotted stingray (taeniura lymma)
Bluespotted Stingray - Taeniura lymma
Ribbontail blue spotted stingray
Black-Blotched Stingray (Taeniura meyeni)
Bluespotted stingray
Blue-spotted Ribbontail Ray
Blackblotched stingray (taeniura meyeni)
Yunan Stripe-tailed Rat Snake (E. taeniura)
Black-Blotched Stingray (Taeniura meyeni)
Bluespotted stingray (taeniura meyeni)
Bluespotted ribbontail ray
Black-Blotched Stingray (Taeniura meyeni)
Bluespotted stingray (taeniura meyeni)
Bluespotted stingray (taeniura meyeni)
Bluespotted stingray
Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray - Taeniura lymma
Black-Blotched Stingray (Taeniura meyeni)
Bluespotted stingray (taeniura meyeni)
Black-Blotched Stingray (Taeniura meyeni)
Giant reef ray swimming over reef
Rat snake (Elaphe taeniura)
Bluespotted ribbontail ray (Taeniura lymma)
Bluespotted stingray and a common lionfish
Elaphe taeniura snake in red christmas hat on red
Bluespotted stingray resting on a coral reef.
Coral, ocean and bluespotted stingray
Taeniura lymma
Platinum Beauty rat snake, orthriophis taeniura taeniura
Bluespotted Stingray - Taeniura lymma
Blue spotted stingray
Black-Blotched Stingray (Taeniura meyeni)
Black-Blotched Stingray (Taeniura meyeni)
Blue-spotted stingray (Taeniura lymma) on the green underwater g
Bluespotted stingray swimming.
Bluespotted stingray (taeniura meyeni)
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