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Heated Molecules Rise and Create Thermals
Columbia Basin Osprey/ Pandion haliaetus Soaring July Thermals
Red yellow glider
Andean Condor soars over Bariloche, Argentina
Yellowbilled Storkes - Botswana
Peregrine falcons riding the thermals
Flight colours
Condor soars over Bariloche, Argentina
Black Kite / Milvus migrans in flight
Paraglider in Blue; Horse Heaven Hills, Benton City, WA
Vulture flying in a blue sky
natural thermal hot spings pools in Tuscany - scenic Terme di Mulino vecchio ( Thermals of Old Windmill)
natural thermal hot spings pools in Tuscany - scenic Terme di Mulino vecchio ( Thermals of Old Windmill)
End of the Glide
Wildlife:A Turkey Vulture flies over Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Painted Stork
Daring Gliders
Ice on Grass
Bull Elk in the Mist
Black Kite: Bird of Prey.
Freedom - Hot Air Balloon
Pelican on a pile.
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