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Umbels Free Stock Images
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Stems of Umbels of Pink Yarrow Appleblossom Flowers
Fragile Dill Umbels on Summer Meadow
SPIRAEA vanhouttei or SPIRAEUS VAN HOUTTE, flowering in white umbels in April-May.
Cow Parsnip Plant Umbels with mature fruits schizocarps. Biennial or short-lived perennial herbaceous plant in Apiaceae Carrot
Bergenia \ Bressingham White\ , an evergreen ornament for the garden with white umbels of flowers
Lantana plant with flower clusters called umbels are a mix of yellow florets.
Cow Parsnip Plant Umbels with mature fruits schizocarps. Biennial or short-lived perennial herbaceous plant in Apiaceae Carrot
Cow Parsnip Plant Umbels with mature fruits schizocarps. Biennial or short-lived perennial herbaceous plant in Apiaceae Carrot
Chaerophyllum hirsutum roseum - pink umbels of hairy chervil
Hop umbels, close-up, isolated on white, top view.
Closeup of a Single Allium \ Purple Sensation\ Flower Head
Dandelion s umbels
Pink Apple Blossom Amaryllis
Cluster of Eriogonum umbellatum
Yellow blossom
Yellow blossom
Lantana flowers
Dill flower
A blossom flower
Lantana flowers
Lantana flowers
Lantana flowers
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