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Witchhazel Free Stock Images
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Ozark witchhazel Hamamelis vernalis Washington Park fragrant, reddish-purple flowers
October and a lady bug
Witchhazel Hamamelis x intermedia Aphrodite shrub with warm orange flowers
Hybrid Witchhazel Hamamelis × intermedia Arnhem orange red flowers
Hybrid Witchhazel Hamamelis × intermedia Gold star golden flowers in the early morning dew
Witchhazel Hamamelis x intermedia Gingerbread, fiery golden-orange flowers
Witchhazel Hamamelis x intermedia Strawberries and Cream, salmon flowers
Witchhazel Hamamelis x intermedia Aphrodite warm orange flowers
Leaves background
Witchhazel Hamamelis x intermedia Spanish Spider orange flowers
Witchhazel Hamamelis x Intermedia Jelena, bright orange-red-yellow flowers
Red witchhazel
Witchhazel Hamamelis x intermedia Gingerbread, golden-orange flowers
Yellow witchhazel
Witchhazel Hamamelis x intermedia Adio shrub with pale yellow flowers
Ozark witchhazel Hamamelis vernalis Red Imp Park orange-red flowers on a twig
Witchhazel Hamamelis x intermedia Nina pure yellow flowers in close-up
Witchhazel Hamamelis Brevipetala deep ochre-yellow crinkled flowers
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