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Yellowspotted Free Stock Images
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Sohal surgeonfish (Acanthurus sohal)
Bluespotted stingray (taeniura meyeni)
Spectacled caiman
Strange night creature
Spectacled caiman
Love harp (harpa amouretta)
Green turtle (chelonia mydas)
Group of Yellow-spotted river turtles Podocnemis unifilis reflected in water in the Pampas del Yacuma, Bolivia
Group of Yellow-spotted river turtles Podocnemis unifilis reflected in water sitting on log, Bolivia
Halfspotted hind (cephalopholis hemistiktos)
Bluebar trevally (carangoidesferdau)
Goldbody trevally (carangoides bajad)
Red cup coral (tubastrea coccinae)
Coral and fish
Leopard torpedo ray (torpedo panthera)
Coral and fish
yellow-spotted rock hyrax, Heterohyrax brucei, stands on a large boulder and observes the surroundings
Masked butterflyfish (chaetodon larvatus)
A Burrfish swims next to a coral encrusted pier leg on a tropical reef
Redtooth triggerfish (melichthys indicus)
Threadfin butterflyfish (chaetodon auriga)
Threadfin butterflyfish (chaetodon auriga)
Boxer shrimp (stenopus hispidus)
Halfspotted hind (cephalopholis hemistiktos)
Thornback boxfish (tetrasomus gibbosus)
Ocean and fish
Yellow-Spotted Monitor, varanus panoptes, Australia
Long-arm cleaner shrimp (periclimenes longicarpus)
Common lionfish (pterois miles)
Green turtle (chelonia mydas)
Green turtle (chelonia mydas)
Schooling bannerfish (heniochus diphreutes)
Reef octopus (octopus cyaneus)
Leopard torpedo ray (torpedo panthera)
Red sea anemonefish (Amphipiron bicinctus)
pyjama chromdorid (chromodoris quadricolor)
Seafan, Coral and fish
Red sea anemonefish (Amphipiron bicinctus)
Seafan, Coral and fish
Coral and fish
Red sea coralgrouper (plectropomus pessuliferus)
Masked butterflyfish (chaetodon larvatus)
Seafan, Coral and fish
Turtle Family
Boxer shrimp (stenopus hispidus)
Red sea anemonefish (Amphipiron bicinctus)
Red sea anemonefish (Amphipiron bicinctus)
Coral and fish
Longfin spadefish (platax teira)
Seagrass and fish
Common lionfish (pterois miles)
Seafan, Coral and fish
Seafan, Coral and fish
Common lionfish (pterois miles)
Starry puffer (arothron stellatus)
Seafan, Coral and fish
Red sea anemonefish (Amphipiron bicinctus)
Giant spotted crickets Bali Indonesia
Green turtle (chelonia mydas)
Red sea coralgrouper (plectropomus pessuliferus)
Bush hyrax or Yellow-spotted rock dassie, Heterohyrax brucei
Bearded scorpionfish (scorpaenopsis barbatus)
Earth Wasp Philant flies into a burrow in the ground .
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