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Free Stock Photos from Daniel Carlson (Akelaocean)
1 photos
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Oblique drone image of a melting iceberg in a calm fjord with mountains in the background
Drone aerial image of twisting, winding, streams in a fluvial river valley in northeast Greenland
Drone aerial image of a fluvial river valley in northeast Greenland
High resolution photograph of an iceberg in a recently de-glaciated fjord in northeast Greenland
High resolution of a dome shaped iceberg that recently calved from a glacier in a fjord in northeast Greenland
Drone aerial image of snow melt fed streams in a fluvial river valley entering a fjord in northeast Greenland
High resolution aerial image of densely packed homes on the intracoastal waterway in St. Pete Beach Florida
Oblique drone image of sea ice breaking up and melting in Scoresby Sund, northeast Greenland
Birds eye view from a drone of the terminus of a heavily crevassed glacier in northeast Greenland
High resolution photograph tall ice cliffs at the terminus of a glacier in a fjord in northeast Greenland
Researchers use a small inflatable boat to study the drift and melt of a large iceberg in a fjord
A large iceberg in the foreground with a glacier in the background in northeast Greenland
Oblique drone image with two large icebergs in the foreground and mountains and ice and high, wispy clouds in the background
NDVI satellite map of the area south of Omaha Nebraska
Drone aerial image of meltwater streams merging in a fluvial river valley in northeast Greenland
High resolution picture of a glacier terminus and mountainous fjord walls in northeast Greenland
Drone aerial image of a river valley in a fjord in Northeast Greenland with snowy mountains in the background
Drone aerial image of a small research vessel that collects ocean measurements in the vicinity of a large melting iceberg
Oblique drone aerial image of the terminus of a glacier in a fjord in northeast Greenland
Birds eye view from a drone of turbid meltwater carving rivulets through sand and rocks in a fluvial fan in northeast Greenland
Birds eye view from a drone of a fluvial fan and turbid melt water entering the ocean in a fjord in Northeast Greenland
Downward looking drone image of a small research boat collecting ocean measurements near a large and sediment laden iceberg
A large iceberg and its reflection in calm fjord waters in northwest Greenland
Profile for Akelaocean