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Free Stock Photos from Andrea Tessadori (Atessadori)
24 photos
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Grape harvest time
Christmas lights in Milan
Free like a bird
Exceptional snowfall in Ancona
Rose window
Old tram on Alessandro Manzoni street in Milan
Portal of Santa Maria della Piazza - Ancona
Red sea light
Christmas lights in Milan
Hotel Carnavalet - Paris
1000 Miles, Stanguellini 1100 Sport (1947), PALAZZANI Alberto an
Dome of Siena
Christmas lights in Via Montenapoleone
Siena s roofs
View of Piazza del Popolo in Fermo
Beach umbrellas
Cut logs
Milan skyline
Pitigliano in the red light of
Abandoned railway
Spices in Granada
Santa Maria of Portonovo
Pyramid of Cestius
A drink to the sun
After fire
Vineyard on the slopes of Monte Conero
Moving front truck
Christmas lights in Milan
Italian resort
Italian resort
Italian resort
Well and tower
Tormented sky
Italian resort
Ancient door
Sunbeam in the door
Effervescent pill
Court in flower
Colored pills
Italian resort
Yellow and black buoies
Morning nightmare
Driving in foggy morning
Window in white wall
Stone and brick frame
Beach, sea, sky, pine
Lane in Mykonos (blue)
Divine communication
Piazza Ducale of Vigevano
Bucket downloading sand
Bucket downloading sand
Three windows with cranesbills
Profile for Atessadori