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Free Stock Images from John Bakkila (Bakkila)
32 photos
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Ocre Lichens
Disgusting Possum
Chinked logs.
Cedar Shingles.
Red Hydrant II.
Empty Adirondacks
Rough Birch Bark
Wet stones
Fungus rising
Fort Mackinac, from behind
Faded blue siding
Dead Leaves
Wood wall.
White Ermine
Aged log ends.
Birch Bark
Grand Balconies
Grand Hotel under construction
Doe, a Deer.
Hand holding tomato.
Red Hydrant.
Shredded Birch Bark
Little Red Rocky
Door in Brick Wall
White Ermine
Fort Mackinac over marina
Lone Leaf
Old cat.
Log ends
Budding tomatoes
Oak Leaf
Blooming, almost
Wood Rot.
Large Leaf
Stone White
Linked Logs
Skipping Stone
Mushroom Bark
Birch on rocky Beach
Red Shutters.
Mackinac Bridge
Mackinac Bridge
Peeling birch tree.
Adirondack Squared
Fungal growths
Young tomatos on the vine.
Dark wood grain
Mackinac Bridge
Cat in spot of Sunlight
Old Storm shutters.
Peeling Birch Tree II
Old red wood window.
Barn doors not open.
Abandoned Copper mine
Smallest cucumber in the World
Profile for Bakkila