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Free Stock Photos from Catherine Novak (Beechgrove)
6 photos
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Cabin on lake
Monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus resting on a Joe Pye Weed flower Eutrochium purpureum
Quartz and granite with windswept White Pine trees
3 dishes with red candy
Gold rings broken
Champagne and roses
Monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus resting on a Blazing Star Liatris flower
White tailed deer eating twigs in early winter
Cute brown Australian Shepherd
Paperwhite flowers blooming in a springtime garden
Frozen car mirror
Blue Hiking Trail Marker
Beautiful Barred owl sitting on a branch
Bright mittens hanging on a line
White tailed deer head close up in autumn
3 dishes with red candy
Colourful vitamins and pills
White Dog
Blandings turtle on a log in a pond
Handsome Yellow Labrador Retriever Laying on grass
Mature Monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus feeding on a Liatris Liatris spicata flower
Champagne glasses and roses
Pair of Northern Cardinals at a feeder with snow
Outhouse in winter
Crescent cookies
Almond Crescents
Pine Cones in Red Bucket
Colourful wool mittens
Profile for Beechgrove