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Free Stock Images from Francesca Braghetta (Braghetta)
47 photos
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Desert - tunisia
Jumps - Parkour
Poverty - Tunisia
El Castillo - Chichen Itza - Mexico
Tunisia- Ali
Hands at play
Church and Convent of Las Capuchinas, Antigua
Three doors Mosque - Kairouan
Durga Puja, Kolkota
Phnom Penh, Royal Palace
Klungkung Palace, Bali
Pura Ulun Danu Bratan
Education in Cambodia
Klungkung Palace, Bali
Buddhas souvenires
The Kiss, Berlin
Abu Simbel -Egypt
Temple of Vesta - Rome
Etosha National Park
Child labour in Cambodia
Horus temple - Edfu, Egypt
Palazzo Gaddi-Cesi
Temple of Philae
Gitan Pilgrimage, Camargue
Craco, Basilicata
Luxor Temple
Reichstag dome, Berlin
Holy water, St. Peters
Abu Simbel
Foot prints desert
Confetti - carneval
Carvings at Bayon temple
Calcata, Italy
Philae - Egypt
Fontecchio, center
Fontecchio, center
U Bein Bridge
San Marco, Gondolas
Rice fields, Bali
Kasbah - Morocco
Berlin Hauptbahnhof
Jerash - columns
Castel SantAngelo2
Fontecchio, center
Banteay Srei - Angkor
Chott el-Gharsa
Fountain of Shame - Palermo
Fontecchio, fountain
Mahamuni Buddha, mandalay
The Kasbah of Aït Benhaddou
Desert Jerboa - Footprints
Buddha wooden tablet
Castel Sant'Angelo 1
North gate - Angkor Wat
Park - Royal Palace - Caserta
Buddhas at Sagaing, Mandalay
El Castillo - Chichen Itza
Phnom Penh - HM King Ang Doung Stupa
Berlin, Alte Nationalgalerie
Group of Diana and Actaeon - Caserta
Devas - Angkor Wat, Siem Reap
Wadu Rum - rupestral engravings
Temple of Inscriptions, Palenque - Mexico
Face-tower of the South Gate, Angkor
Fountain at Royal Palace - Caserta
U Bein Bridge - Mandalay, Myanmar
El Castillo -Chichen Itza & Sombrero
Profile for Braghetta