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Free Stock Images from Clive Chilvers (Clivechilvers)
1 photos
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Kites in the sky
Members and volunteers from BookCycle UK load a container
Teenager bouncing on inflatable Stonehenge
Dancers from the Paraiso School of Samba float
Police, accompanied by sniffer dogs
The laundry at Nekemte hospital
Christian Orthodox devotees singing and praying
Drummer from Batala Banda de Percussao
A child with a megaphone and a placard saying
Barbara Alexander-Mark in the Mini Cooper
Dancers from the London School of Samba float
A man displaying a White Pride World-Wide flag
Christian orthodox devotees
A band and member from Metronomes Steel Orchestra
Ethiopian youth Perfoming Exercises
Personel from 3 Commando Brigade marching
Dancers from the Paraiso School of Samba float
Gloves are burning as a roller drops a barrel
Performers at the Notting Hill Carnival 2010
Dancers from the Paraiso School of Samba float
A woman and man selling produce in an market
Women from all cultures, backgrounds and faiths
Members and volunteers from BookCycle UK
Ethiopian Army Soldiers Marching
Girl in a colourful costume at the Carnival
Rue Saint-Sulpice street sign
Teenager summersaulting on inflatable Stonehenge
Drummers from Batala Banda de Percussao
Multi-coloured fabric
Profile for Clivechilvers