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Free Stock Photos from Cmoats
25 photos
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Equine dentistry
Empress Hotel, Victoria B.C
Senior woman sits in her room
Dapple Gray Dressage Horse and Rider at a show
Aggressive white tail deer
Mare and foal in Springtime
Spring ride in the ring
Training a horse to long line
Visit with the vet
Dapple Gray Dressage Horse and Rider at a show
Senior citizen in long term care facility
Senior citizen sitting idle.
Flying into the nest
Spring cleanup in the yard
Day at the petting zoo for seniors
White tail buck in winter
Senior gentleman at a long term care facility
A gallop in the snow
Chestnut horse having a bath
Runaway horse
Visit with the vet
Cautious White-tail Deer
Beautiful lady standing with her horse in Autumn
Equestrian riding at a dressage show
White-tail Deer in the fog
Annual Veterinary visit
Polo Time
Praise for a good job
Young woman out for a stroll
Enjoying the sunshine
Jumping off a bridge
Horse portraits
Talking on the cell phone
Checking the cell phone
Training a horse to long line
Chestnut horse having a bath
White-tailed Deer in Winter
Male Rose breasted Grosbeak
Dark Bay Horse portrait
Young lady enjoying nature
Formal young lady walking her horse
Young lady enjoying nature in a corn field
White-tail buck in winter
Dressage rider and her horse
Male Rose breasted Grosbeak
Formal young lady and her horse
Formal young lady and her horse
Young equestrian at a Dressage Show
Beautiful Chestnut mare trotting
Formal young lady and her chestnut horse
Dressage rider schooling her white horse
Profile for Cmoats