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Free Stock Photos from Martin Vonka (Danny666)
32 photos
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Solar power plant
Timber facing
A cage of chimney
Olympic complex in Athens
Wind turbine
Wind turbine
Solar power plant
Gadwall (Anas strepera) - female
Solar power plant
Stainless steel reservoirs for beer
Solar power plant
Photovoltaic cells in a solar panel
Power plant in Pocerady (Czech Republic)
Chimney smoke with blue sky
Don Quijote and Sancho Panza
Alamos Square - The Painted Ladies
Photovoltaic cells in a solar panel
Nuclear power plant
Memorial Terezin
Nuclear power plant
Solar power plant
Cooling towers
Cooling towers of a power plant
Cooling towers
Cooling towers of a power plant
Touching a solar panel
Nyhavn in Copehagen
A tree
Red wall
A power plant
Iron mill
Torres Kio
Temple of Poseidon
Military cemetery
Old brick kiln
A wind turbine
Wooden tiling
A group of windmills
Old steam engine
Dutch windmill
Trevi Fountain
A chimney at sunset
Roof of an old factory
Windbreak in a forest
Four white storks
Old brick chimney
Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge
Wind turbines farm
Tiling wood fence texture
Office buildind in Madrid
A detail of Golden Gate Bridge
A pillar of Golden Gate Bridge
A pillar with steel cables of Golden Gate Bridge
A close-up in Alamos Square - The Painted Ladies
Demolition of an industrial buildings
Profile for Danny666