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Free Stock Photos from Benjamin Vess (Dersankt)
150 photos
View Dersankt's Dreamstime profile
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Snowman and Christmas Tree
Freedom Tower NYC
Virgin Mary and Child
Deep in thought
Sea Shell
Barack Obama
Senator Joe Biden
Barack Obama at Virginia Beach
Empty Lifeguard Stand
Chinese Take Out
US Capitol
Sheep Wall Sculpture
Bouquet of Lilies
Orange Flower
Senator Joe Biden
Presidental Candidate Barack Obama
Sen. Webb of Virginia at Obama s Rally
Old sneakers
Christmas Ornaments
Sleepy Cat Awake
Pants down on sandals
Phrenology Head
Eraser tops
Red Peruvian Lily
Virgin Mary and Child
Gold Buddha
Rubber Ducky
Eraser tops
Yellow Lily
Yellow Lily
Sea Shell
Red stone
Crane Fly
Tabby Cat
Lava Lamp
Smiling girl
Red Buddha
Red Flower
Yellow Lilies
Red Buddha
Black Beetle
Sleepy Cat
Yellow Lily
Yellow Lily
Sleepy Cat
Yellow Lily
Yellow Lily
Sleepy Cat
Yellow Lily
Yellow Lily
Red Buddha
Sleepy Cat
Eraser tops
Ticket Stub
Yellow Lily
Wooden Apples
Yellow Lily
Red Flower
Red Flower
Yellow Lily
Sleepy Cat
Gift from the Heart
Sleepy Cat
Bust of Buddha
Red stones
Purple Daisy
Plum Tomatos
Bell Peppers
Black Beetle
Toy Giraffe
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Profile for Dersankt