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Free Stock Photos from Dan Kelley (Dtkell1392)
5 photos
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Statue in the Village at Meridian fountain
Sunrise on Bristol Bay from Ekuk Alaska
Display outside next to the Boise Rose Garden at the Boise Art Museum
US Navy ships at the Norfolk yard in Virginia
Purse seiners moored at fisherman`s terminal in Seattle Washington.
Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial
Sockeye Salmon processing in Alaska
Salmon cannery buildings on Bristol Bay, Alaska
The Amelia Island Light is the oldest existing lighthouse in the state of Florida
Red sunset anchored on the Chesapeake Bay
View of ranch in Tomales California on a sunny winter day
Vintage Tugs moored in Salmon Bay Seattle Washington
East front of the United States Capitol on a cloudy day
Looking over the mud flats at Clarks Point in Bristol Bay
Sunrise on Bristol Bay from Ekuk Alaska
Osprey nesting on a Manatee Zone sign at Goodland Florida
Sunset on Our Kadey Krogen 42 anchored at Annie Bight, Eleuthera Bahamas
Idaho foot hills Ranch after a light snow under blue sky and broken clouds.
Commercial fishing boat docked at Fisherman`s Terminal in Seattle Washington
Dock on Bristol Bay at Ekuk Alaska at sunrise before salmon season
Wright Brothers National Memorial, located in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina
View of the monument at Kleiner park Meridian, ID
Kadey Krogen 42 anchored off Eleuthera in the summer.
Commercial fishing boat docked at Fisherman`s Terminal in Seattle Washington
American Flag at Carolina Beach State Park Marina on the South end of Snows Cut in North Carolina
Fall Sunset in New Bern North Carolina
Island Farm Windmill in Manteo on Roanoke Island
Bristol Bay on a nice day
Lone mallard on frozen pond looking cold
Green Head coming out of the water with wings spread
Drake Mallard saying prayers on pond in Boise Idaho
Alligator on the Marsh Trail in South West Florida.
Green Head with wings spread on pond in Boise Idaho
Profile for Dtkell1392