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Free Stock Photos from Michael Caldwell (Excitingtravelsgonow)
2 photos
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Gathering shells on beach
Yellow Labrador and mixed breed dog wrestling over basketball.
Backstage at the Grand Ole Opry
Bucking horse prepares to jump fence
Mix breed dog shows concern while peering over porch railing
Alligators lay in the sun on a warm spring afternoon
The statues of the Little Rock Nine face the State Capital Building as a storm rolls in
A female hiker makes her way along rivers edge
A cypress swamp bakes in the heat of summer heaat
Traditional brick and rock home on a lovely manicured lot
Old fashioned grist mill all dresses up for spring.
Spring break on the Gulf of Mexico
Beautiful antique balcony in New Orleans Lousiana
A view of Little Rock Arkansas at night from across the Arkansas River
Tiger sits on rock wall relaxing
Sand cliffs crumble in the hot summer heat
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