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Free Stock Photos from Luca Chiartano (Focusphoto)
57 photos
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Serving Champagne
Border Italy-France Tunnel Mont Blanc
Harvest in a Canavese, Piedmont, Italy
Italian Cappuccino
Tuscany, field of poppy
Cd-Rom or DVD rainbow
Orange Lily in sunset light
Edible Mushrooms
Broken egg
Highway curved tunnel in Italy
Porquerolles island
Sardinia s sea
Tree truns cut on the snow
Edible Mushrooms
Alpine hut in Switzerland
Piles of pallet wood
Lizard and shadow
Winter landscape in Monti della Luna - Italy
Glass bottle- Recycle bin
Water of a stream
Lavender field in perspective
Yellow tulips
Dandelion seeds in the sunlight blowing away in sthe sky
Eaten leave
Eletcric wire
Bee on a crocus
Eye of a baby
Road with curve
Tree on a hill
Road in the green
Alpine cows
Tower bridge
Church without roof
Red Poppies
Field and fence
Dry stone 2
Field of wheat
Winter lake
Lichens of a rock
Yellow tulips
Tomato and pasta
Mollusc on rock
The Maiorca cost
Green windows
River in mountain
Cat black and white
Natural fileds
Panorama from Capalbio
Sky chair-lift
River in mountain
Macro on sunflower
Red Pepper on glass
Frozen leaves of palm
Winter landscape
Wood house and christ
Butterfly on thistle
Red and yellow tulips
sky with clouds - timelapse
Tuscany landscape
Butterfly on thistle
Castle of Chenonceau
Road in a filed of poppies
The Maiorca cost on storm
Dolomiti mountains
Water-melon close up
Bee on wistaria flowers
Rome - St Peter's dome from palatino Hill
Autumn in a vineyard in Italy
Sauze d'Oulx - Laune Lake
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