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Free Stock Images from Stefano Ember (Fotoember)
1 photos
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Castle of Monte Sant Angelo on Puglia
Footprint on the beach of Los Cobanos
The gulf of Lugano
Antique japanese trunk
Misol-Ha waterfall on Chiapas
Boats at the village of Pak Beng on River Mekong
Trabucco in the National Park of Gargano near Vieste
Beach near Atins in Brazil
El Morro fortress at Havana
Castles of Montebello and Castelgrande at Bellinzona
The Lake of Lugano
Socotran Caralluma flower of cactus plant on Socotra island
The skyline of Lugano
Representation of the life in Bethlehem at the time of Jesu`s birth
The valley of Vinales on Cuba
The valley of Vinales on Cuba
Castle of Montebello at Bellinzona
Frozen lake of Muzzano near Lugano
Buddha statues on the cave of Pindaya
The citadel and fortress of Kala at Berat
Food shop at Sartene on the island of Corsica
The beautiful medieval town of Stein am Rhein
Acquaviva Picena small village on Marche
Les Cormorans waterfall on Reunion island, France
The hydroelectric dam of Sambuco on maggia valley
Man moving incense at the Church of Santo Tomas at Chichicastenango
The historic church of Santa Croce at Riva San Vitale
Devil s bridge at St. Gotthard pass
Burning candle on the Snow
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