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Free Stock Photos from Katarzyna Mazurowska (Fotokate)
16 photos
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Dutch spring
Winter vintage landscape
Landscape near Pasterka village in Poland
Gudhjem, Bornholm, Denmark
Bouquet of spring flowers
Kinderdijk, Netherlands
Karst formations – Stolowe Mountains - Poland
Windmill in The Hague
Gudhjem, Denmark, Bornholm
Dubrovnik - Old Town
Young lettuce and celery
Medieval tower with frescoes about the knight Lancelot, Poland.
Queen of the Netherlands - Beatrix
Faun, satyr, god pan.
Landscape - Kosovo
Family sailing.
Petite-France, Strasbourg, France, Alsace
The funfair park
Melt in spring - threat of the flood.
Small drawbridge in Dutch town, Netherlands.
Snogebaek in Bornholm - Denmark
Sleeping grey cat.
Building a vegetable and herb formal garden.
Breckland thyme, wild thyme
Marine special forces
Dutch landscape
Sloping houses in Blokzijl, Netherlands.
Two windows in Le Hourdel
Grass with ice
Ostriches farm
Autumn road
Handmade wreath on the door
Horses on pasture
Ostriches farm
Tulips and blue sky
Black lamb standing in the doorway of the barn
Public garden in The Hague
Handmade wreath on the door
Milky goat gnaw leaves
Windmill in Zaanse Schans
Table Mountain in Poland
The train swing bridge - Netherlands
Profile for Fotokate