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Free Stock Photos from Michael Ambrey (Gcphototaker)
14 photos
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Outdated technology
Team socks
Blue water earth
Golden Grass
Blue boat harbour
Camera lens sunset picture
Elderly couple
Camera mountain sunset
Sand heart
Liquid Amber Tree
Hazy mountain sunset
Work socks
Seagulls dark to light
Camera Picture
Palm Tree in sand
Blue water
Celery in water
Vitamin bottle
Recycle survive
Bee on a purple duranta
Fox terrier chasing a ball
Aerial view of boat harbour
Mangrove in the sea
Red Apple
Red Apple
Boat wash
Bush track
Dragon fly
Grapes on black
Square meal
Eggs on yellow
Bananas and apple
Boats in the harbour
Pet dog and owner
Autumn Colours
Wet tomatoes in a bowl
Profile for Gcphototaker