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Free Stock Photos from Jelena Dragosavljevic (Jelenadrago9)
1 photos
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Group of white swans with long necks swimming in blue water of lake and with black ducks in the background.
Graffiti art in the city street showing many painted eyes on the concrete gray wall as background.
Three bell pepper, red, yellow and green on the white background.
Footprints in sand from walking barefoot along the beach by the water and sea foam.
Salad made of chopped vegetables, carrot, cabbage, celery and kohlrabi in green dish on on the cod board.
A glass of cosmopolitan cocktail decorated with slices of lemon and orange on black background.
Colorful Easter eggs on sheet with classic music notes as background.
Office desk table top view and supplies, laptop, cup of black coffee, glasses, plant, cellphone on white background.
Transparent empty wine glasses one behind the other and yellow orange background with white spots.
Glass of Mojito chilled classic cocktail with ice decorated with straws, lime slices and mint leaves on black background.
Fresh baked brown moussaka with rice, minced meat and spinach.
Roasted turkey leg on the printed grey plate on the wooden table and toasted bread by the side.
Miso soup with vegetables, cooked in dish and fresh around it, carrot, onion, seaweed, broccoli, cauliflower on light background.
Top view of office workplace with laptop, notepad, keys, glasses, phone, on the white desk.
Many opened sunflowers in the field with weeds and grass in front of them and cloudy sky behind.
Four empty glasses for martini and vermouth standing in line with white and pink striped background.
Clusters of fresh red wine grapes growing among grapevine and green leafs.
Different kinds of fruits on the wooden board at the table with brown background.
Profile for Jelenadrago9