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Free Stock Photos from Juan Pablo Fuentes Serrano (Jpablo25)
12 photos
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Golden eagle on the mountain
Golden eagle prey is eaten
Osprey in the Pyrenees
imperial eagle with the Magpies
lonely rocker observes from the rock
Transhumance in the Sierra de Gredos in Avila
A mastiff dog
A buzzard eagle looking
Stilt in a natural pond
Vulture in the mountains
Male lagoon eagle in one of his innkeepers
Gredos mountain goats
little owl comes to his innkeeper for a prey
Male Great Bustard in the countryside
Eagle nest with a driveway and chickens
Colorful bird
Bonelli`s eagle
Trip through the streets and monuments of avila
Male Stonechat
Landscape and wildlife Gredos
Donkeys to plow in the field
Imperial Eagle seen from their vantage
Mountain landscape with golden eagles flying
Bee eaters eating a dragonfly
Blue tit
Red rock in the field
Male bustard
Bustard steppe
Fields and geese in spring
bustard by the field at sunrise
Fields and a group of geese in spring
One male Bustard among cereals
A male bustard turning cartwheels
bustard turning cartwheels in the field of cereal
male bustard turning cartwheels in the field of cereal
Profile for Jpablo25