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Free Stock Photos from Kelly Nelson (Kellyplz)
36 photos
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Baby duck.
Natural Christmas wreath.
Hummingbird in motion.
Christmas bird.
Christmas bird.
Textured picnic scene.
Inspirational quote
Christmas card background.
Christmas card background.
Monarch butterfly.
Monarch butterfly.
Milkweed seeds blowing in autumn breeze.
Duck quacking.
Hummingbird collage.
Christmas grunge background
Sunflower growing in a tree.
Inspirational quote
Squirrels making wishes.
Christmas card background.
Turtle shell, isolated.
Dog House.
Richly toned sunflowers on wood.
Male Northern cardinal.
Law Enforcement.
Inspirational quote
Baby squirrels sharing.
Chickadee in a snowstorm.
Three baby squirrels sharing.
Dock dummy.
Pup swimming.
Trilliums in the rain.
Statue of Christ.
Brown Pelican.
Baby wrens in the nest.
Hummingbird at rest.
Close up sunflower.
Acoustic guitar on wood.
Acoustic guitar on wood.
Hummingbird in motion.
Close up sunflower.
Hummingbird in motion.
Macro lady bug on pencil.
Field of Lupine textured.
Macro image of an orb spider.
Wide angle storage unit.
Home made muffins and milk.
Baby shawl drying on line.
Wide angle storage unit.
Textured winter maple keys.
Close up dragonfly on flower.
Log cabin wide angle view.
American goldfinch in winter.
Inukshuk over looking a lake.
Sqirrel holding a candy cane.
Textured Christmas bell hanging.
Ruby throated hummingbird perched.
Ruby throated hummingbird perched.
Baby raccoon peeking out behind snow bank.
Baby squirrel eating seeds on a log.
Wood nymph butterfly on daisy, macro.
Female ruby throated hummingbird.
Back view acoustic guitar on wood.
Basket of fresh vegetables and sauce.
Black poodle pup playing in fall leaves.
Profile for Kellyplz