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Free Stock Photos from Klaus Thiemann (Klausimaus)
2 photos
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WB Studios in London - Harry Potter movie set.
Villa Hügel and park Essen-Bredeney.
The Olympic stadium from Berlin.
A house line in Wismar.
Ford oldtimer at a car show.
Algarve, the famous region in Portugal.
Villa Hügel and park Essen-Bredeney.
WB Studios in London - Harry Potter movie set.
Cesar Manrique donation
Porsche oldtimer car in Kettwig, district of Essen.
The beach from Borkum.
Renault oldtimer at a car show.
A half-timebered house in Wismar.
The church San Mauro Mare in Bellaria, Italy.
Villa Hügel and park Essen-Bredeney.
Giant´s Causeway.
The church St. Jürgen in Heide (Holstein)
Algarve, the famous region in Portugal.
The cathedral in Essen &x28;Germany&x29
The lighthouse from Borkum.
The church St. Jürgen in Heide (Holstein)
Panoramic look about the yacht harbour from Burgtiefe.
Church from Paralimni.
A house line in Schwerin.
Passenger ship on the Baldeneysee in Essen.
Shopping street in the city of Dingle Ireland.
The cathedral of Galway in Ireland.
Seagulls on Borkum.
The beach from Newquay
The beach from Newquay
Profile for Klausimaus