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Free Stock Photos from Lester Woodward (Lesterlester)
32 photos
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Umayad mosque damascus
Radio bratislava
Colourful carnival headdress
Tikal main plaza
Sigiriya lion rock
Fishing boat sunset
Granada toylike cathedral
Poor mans taj mahal
Beach hut
Dead tree
Tulum tropical outpost
Autumn street
Inner fort at the Krak des Chevaliers, Syria
Green sunset
Carving out of the stone
Wildflower walk
Dambulla temple
Down the tunnel
Anemone Sea
bridge to nowhere
Northumberland mist
Retirement stroll
Double waterfall
Headstone and Heather
Couple of cuties
The boys are coming
Stone elephants in love
Palanque tower view
Kicking the sea
The back stairs
Down the street
The wier
Highrise living
Golden tower
The white tree
Damascus letterbox
Rail crossing
Circular breakfast
City living
City living
Down from the summit
City living
Mushroom and chicken
Woodland path
Ancient sight
Sky light Dome
Cobbles last light
Royal driveway
Bratislava misty towers
Sand dune ripples
Island speed boat
Headstones and Heather
Sunlit Bolivian Cactus
Huge stone staircase
Roofs at Kek lok si temple
Bolivian Cactus Field
Bratislova misty fountain
Grazing beneath the temple
Indian raj memorial Jaswant Thada
Profile for Lesterlester