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Free Stock Images from Marcelkudla
114 photos
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The view to the sea
Knin fortress and the town of Knin
Rana temporaria
Two butterflies
Rudbeckia laciniata
Arctosa cinerea,close-up photo
Panorpa communis
Fragaria vesca,close-up photo
Verbascum thapsus on the island of Krk, Europe
Red flower in field
Nature on the island of Vis
The chimney
Sitting fly
Lestes dryas
Three crosses
Lake Ponikve
Podarcis siculus
Lake Kaluderovac
Uvala Voz
Sympetrum danae
Testudo hermanni
Polyommatus icarus
Coluber gemonensis attack
Natrix natrix - detail
Village of Velo Grablje
Lake and Waterfalls
Cymbidium flower
Zrmanja Canyon
Natrix natrix
Gorilla gorilla
Tree in winter
Fish detail
Amata phegea
Tachina fera
Yellow flower
Yellow flower
Poppies in a field
Frost day
Natrix natrix
Spider web
Long sucker
Misumena vatia
Argiope lobata
Vanessa cardui
Cordulia aenea
Thecla betulae
Argiope lobata
Aglais urticae
Korana river
Spring rocks
Lacerta viridis
Surikata surikata
Spider with prey
Colour landcape
Blue sea
Aglais urticae
Spring landscape
Nikon D80
Araschnia levana
Helix pomatia
Hyla arborea
Village Lubenice
Fields and trees
Pisaura mirabilis
Ephippiger ephippiger
Pond in the reeds
Podarcis siculus
Grasshopper on red
Striped shell
Autumn colors
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