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Free Stock Images from Michael Meijer (Michaelmeijer)
7 photos
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African lion running
close up of Bacopa monnieri flower, also called waterhyssop, brahmi, thyme-leafed gratiola, water hyssop, herb of grace, Indian
Syrphus ribesii
The common European adder
Castro Marim Marsh Natural Reserve swamp, Vila Real de Santo Antonio in Portugal
Castro Marim Marsh Natural Reserve swamp, Vila Real de Santo Antonio in Portugal
Rumex obtusifolius, commonly known as bitter dock, broad leaved dock, bluntleaf dock, or butter dock
yellow flag, yellow iris or water flag (Iris pseudacorus) flower blooming in spring
Striped skunk
Syrphus ribesii
Monte gordo beach in portual
Red-legged seriema
Lion-tailed Macaque
Arion fuscus on dandelion
Grey crowned crane, Balearica regulorum
Achillea millefolium, commonly known as yarrow, blooming in spring
Banded orange heliconian butterfly, Dryadula phaetusa
Golden Jackal, Canis aureus moreoticus
Trametes versicolor growing on tree trunk
Village weaver
Dianthus caryophyllus, commonly known as the carnation or clove pink, is a species of Dianthus. This flower is blooming in spring
Striped skunk
Giraffe blijdorp zoo
L`Hoest`s monkey, Cercopithecus lhoesti
Group giraffe
Japanese cherry close
Castle of Governors, Lagos city in Portugal
Thalictrum flavum, known by the common names common meadow-rue, and yellow meadow-rue. Blooming in spring
Forest walkthrough
Forest walkthrough
butterfly peacock by window
Forest path
Forest road
Forest walkthrough
South american coati
Profile for Michaelmeijer