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Free Stock Photos from Rigoni Barbara (Naturephotosticino)
1 photos
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Autumnal forest with yellow leaves
Golden eagle resting on the stone, in the foreground
Autumn mountain landscape
River that flows through the riparian forest
Eagle owl that is flying
Nightingale singing from a tree branch in spring
Blue bridesmaid dragonfly resting on a blade of grass
Siberian hamster hidden in the trunk
Fabulous sunset over the lake, orange and yellow sky
Partial moon eclipse at night
Landscape in the countryside in winter with low fog
Golden eagle in flight, in the foreground
Mandarin duck female
Golden eagle is flying
Autumn path through the woods
Bullfinch posed on the top of the pine treewhite little egret walking among the stones of the river
Siberian hamster eating pine nuts
Peregrine Falcon, placed on the hand of the falconer
Autumnal forest with red leaves
Trail through the woods
Mallard, male, who is looking in the meadow in front of him
Puddle of water on the river
Golden eagle is flying
High mountain panorama in winter with snow, pine trees and blue sky
Cranberry bush, in the high mountains
high mountain lake, surrounded by pine trees
Mandarin duck male
Golden eagle resting on rock
Overview of a stream flowing in the woods in autumn
Profile for Naturephotosticino