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Free Stock Photos from Norman Bateman (Ncbateman1)
211 photos
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A Painted Bunting perched
Stilt Sandpiper hunting
Short-billed Dowitcher and a Dunlin
The dump bed from a dump truck
Eared Grebe swimming
Bald Eagle perched in a Pine Tree
Green Iguana eating leaves
Long-billed Dowitcher perched
A juvenile Willet in the surf
Red-breasted Merganser
An F-15 Strike Eagle taxiing
Model Airplane doing a tail stand
Sandhill Crane close-up
Black Skimmer skimming the surf
Long-billed Thrasher perched
Blue Grosbeak feeding
Yellow-crowned Night Heron eating seaweed
Charolais Bull grazing
An F/A-18 fighter jet taxiing
Bobwhite Quail
Chuck-will s-widow perched
African big game cartridges
A good day for a boat ride
Eastern Meadowlark singing
Summer Tanager bathing
Close up head shot of an Osprey
Carolina Wren perched
Spoonbill in flight across the pond
Ugly Duck
The shovel
A pair of Flamingos
Wood Stork
A calf forages in a field
Idle Backhoe
The American Flag
A backhoe at a job site
A horse feeds in a corral
A Flamingo wading in a pool
A Wood Stork with a fish
Anhinga perched
A bulldozer in action
Green Heron perched
Inca Dove feeding
Long-billed Curlew
A midget bulldozer
Great Egret with a fish
A Great Egret with a fish
A little bulldozer
Swallow-tailed Kite
A Cardinal perched in a tree
Great Egret in flight
Limpkin in the wet grass
Florida Scrub Jay
Green Jays at the feeder
Lark Sparrow perched
A Green Heron perched on a rock
Young Wood Stork at rest
Backhoe at rest during lunch
A small hay rake for sale
A Roadrunner stops and looks
The shovel end of a backhoe
An Osprey perched in a tree
House Finch feeding
Common Cooter on the bank
The rolling end of a dump truck
A road scrapper at work
A Palm Warbler with an attitude
An R/C model C-47 in flight
Willet feeding in the surf
A Cardinal perched on a feeder
Wood Stork close up
A Close up of a Great Egret
Head shot of a Royal Tern
A Black Skimmer in flight
Green Iguana sunning
Gray Squirrel eating
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