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Free Stock Images from Nigel Hoy (Nigel6718)
1 photos
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Sheep being held in a sheep pen
African elephant inside wire fencing
Restaurant at coastal resort
Narrowboat moored alongside wharf
Green and white beach huts
Anchor chains on bow of ship
Mediterranean fishing port and town
Front nose of jet aircraft in museum
Sailing boats moored in resort marina
Female emperor dragonfly laying eggs
Yellow painted cottage in island town
Never Again poster on corner of museum wall
Cast iron radiator in historic church
Cruise vessels moored at Chinese city
Small town hospital and flag
Sign board for Loch Ness
Inside large industrial cow shed
Rough seas breaking on breakwater
Cuban farmer feeding his poultry
Historic sundial on city cathedral
Troupe of soldiers in historical military outfit
Six kitchen mugs in circular group
Grafitti on building walls
Boats in harbour at coastal town
Bass Rock and lighthouse
Shopping centre in English coastal town
Ornamental garden and war memorial
Troupe of Chinese girl drummers
Rescue dog with two handlers
Profile for Nigel6718