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Free Stock Images from Olieve8
16 photos
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Land turtle (Testudo horsfieldii)
Roofs of the houses in Rome, Italy (EU)
Detail of the shells on the beach during vacation on a seaside beach, Zandvoort (Netherlands, EU)
Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) Czech Republic, EU - famous spa city
Stork looking for food in clay
Little goat during the hot summer rest
Cat in the garden behind the mint bush
Nubian goats during hot summer rest
Heather & x28 Erica& x29 in the garden
Tagetes patula, the French marigold, in the park
Walking duck on the pedestrian sidewalk
Walking duck on the pedestrian sidewalk
Proud goose strutting around in the yard
Cute and very lazy cat lying on the stairs in the hot summer
Duck on the paved sidewalk in the chateau park & x28 The Manor house Kozel, Czech Republic& x29
Burgundy snail/Roman snail & x28 Helix pomatia& x29 on concrete blocks & x28 Europe& x29
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