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Free Stock Photos from Don Despain (Phantomewo)
6 photos
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Tank Tracks
Aerial Carlsbad California beach surfers cliff coast 4K
Austin Texas Mansfield Dam Colorado River bridge 4K 1845
Bird in the hand ... kold
Yellowstone National Park buffalo bison meadow herd 4K
Newspaper & Bike
El Paso Texas traffic entering USA at Mexico border 4K 1180
F-4G Wild Weasel historic display
Ciudad Juarez Mexico back street hotel stores 4K
Trash and garbage
Waves surf overhead Gulf of Mexico Texas 4K
Household Garbage & Junk
School time
Aerial abandoned ghost town Halloran Springs signs 4K
Sheep herd high mountain top range horse 4K
Ultimate Power
Florida Everglades Cypress National Park swamp
Farm field with hay cut in rows
Antique Cart
Buck deer on beach Texas Gulf of Mexico 4K
Farm field with cut alfalfa hay
Watercolor brushes
Ocean beach pelicans sea birds shore Texas POV 4K G09
Ciudad Juarez Mexico urban street market traffic 4K 1230
Queen mary Cruise ship in dock
Cross at he Mission
Aerial abandoned ghost town restaurant and gas station Halloran Springs 4K
P-47 Thunderbolt fuselage
Menu stand
SR-71 Blackbird
Bird on a stump looking up
Bird on tree stump head-0n
P-47 Thunderbolt fuselage
F-82 World War II fighter aircraft prop
Profile for Phantomewo