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Free Stock Photos from Mr P D Platts (Photosell247)
28 photos
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Corn on the cob
3 garnished sausages
Loose potatoes
Corn on the cob
Quiche slice
Mini barbecues
Solar garden lights
Apple Pie with cream
Asparagus poached egg
Strawberry, blueberry and rasberries
Foam bath lotions
Coleslaw and picnic
Barbecue in garden
Succulent peppered steak medallions
Apple pie
Loose peaches
Corn on the cob
Tuna salad
Barbecue in garden
Caesar salad
Ham salad rolls
Kings college chapel cambridge
Ramekin rasberries
Chocolate mousse
Freshly harvested potatoes
Tomato soup
Kitchen knife
Green bowl
Slice of cheese
Choc ices
Apple pie and cream
Loose Figs
Orange pepper
Vegetable harvest
Loose plums
Eggs, salad and mayo
Ripe tomatoes
Potato wedges
Cheese and tomato quiche
Ice cream cones
Cream cakes in a row on white
Small and large boats
Mayonaise picnic
Vegetable harvest
Ripe vine tomatoes
Ham Turkey salad rolls
Ripe tomatoes on wooden bench
White grapes in wicker basket
Home-made chocolate cookies
Tropical fruit in a basket
Freshly cut ornge slices
Vegetables on a wooden chopping board
Stylish contemporary wrist watch
Profile for Photosell247