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Free Stock Photos from Jorge Pereira (Rudolfoelias)
51 photos
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Bullfight arena
Pile of colored peppers
BUSSACO palace
Sunrise at the beach
Cat listening to music
Church ceiling painting
Surprised cat
Looking for health
Good sleep
Magical mountain
The ball is mine
Zen cat
Douro river between Portugal and Spain
Calm reflection
Bridge design
Water pearls in clover leaves
Flower ultra macro
Nude torso
Iced rocks
Moonlight at the beach
Alenquer panorama
Ancient archway
37 years old
Two cute otters
A big mouth
Strange moon
The cross
Mountain road
Tree and fence
Almost asleep
Bug fight
Looking high
Wall of skulls
The hills are alive
Iced lake
River fun
Down the river
Anchored boat
White village
Economic bulb
Sound of silence
Ghost boat
Common cat
Worth climbing
Mountain road
White village
Portugal cliffs
Deep valley and dam
Helping at home
Two cute kittens
Palace in sintra
Great cathedral
Forced curves
Just a slowly snail
One cork alone
Cathedral nave
Expressive cat
National Palace
Simple waterfall
Business alliances
Fishermen's houses
Nature bleeding
Peculiar church
Tender crying otter
Salad vegetables
Baby grasshopper
Portuguese vineyard and cork
Portuguese vineyard
Communication antenna
anchored boat at sunset
Portugal coastal line
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