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Free Stock Photos from Aleksandra Alimova (Rybina)
25 photos
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Top of the mountain
Snowmaking machine in action
Boats at Cape Cod seashore
Skier in mask
Conservatory reflection in pool
Waterlily pond in Bronx BOtanical Garden
Historic manor house, Philipsburg Manor, NY
Lake Awosting, rainy day
Bonsai tree
Yellow submarine
Colorful leaves on water surface
Mediterranean town, Chania, Crete
Old houses in Greenwich Village, NY
Sunset on St. Regis kanoe wilderness area, NY
Hunter Mountain ski resort, NY
Wooden fence after snowfall
Mountain river in fall
Folding kayak by shore
Hot thermal pool, Yellowstone park, USA
Early spring flowers (crocus) in pine forest
Manhattan skyscripers, NY
Wooden fence after snowfall
Cancun beach, Mexico
Lake Arenal at sunset, Costa Rica
Small pond in Harriman state park, NY
Girl on the stone ashore
Snowmaking machine in action
Mystic seaport harbor, Ct
Fern on fall
Grand Canyon, NV
Spring anemone
View from the cliff edge
Historic manor house, Philipsburg Manor, NY
Photographer and skier
Wooden bridge through the river
Minnewaska state park
Adirondack style chair
different color of Ropes
Deserted graphite mine
Man hiking via cliff edge
Snowmaking machines in action
Girl sits ashore on large stone
Historic water mill, Philipsburg Manor, NY
Girl sits ashore on large stone
Minnewaska state park, NY, fall
Photographer making pictures of skiers
Fence by Lake Placid area, Adirondack state park, ny
Sunset on St. Regis kanoe wilderness area, NY
Small pond in Harriman state park, NY
Mohonk Mountain House, fire pool near Tower, NY
Triangle shape stone ashore. Small lake in foliage time
Profile for Rybina