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Free Stock Photos from Schnapps2012
1 photos
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Piano lesson
Piano lesson
Eye glasses
Pretty young girl in a swimming pool
Stone drinking trough and fountain
Young girl with remote control
Portrait of a wild, white Camargue horse
Hand with red painted fingernails
Fried eggs in a pan with bacon
Entrance to the medieval French village of Biot
Attractive girl working out
Loggerhead turtle under water
Bath robe
Horse portrait
Twin baby penguins
Portrait of a young girl with auburn hair and freckles
Village of Moutiers-Sainte-Marie in the French alps
Christmas pudding ingredients
Back to school
Medieval village of Roubion
Portrait of a black stallion
Orthodontic braces and brackets
Carnival mask
Red rock formations at the `Rocher de Saint Barthelemy`
Oak door
Antibes Cathedral
Window cleaner
Studio portrit of a wire haired dachshund
Profile for Schnapps2012