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Free Stock Photos from Marco Clarizia (Spat78)
53 photos
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Artisan stonemason
Glass and decanter
Colorful PVC folders
Light beams on the Duomo
All Saint s candles
Crowd at the station
Cardio-polmonar resuscitation
Small hay truck
Christmas in Wien
Thai Buddha statue
Stoves for sale
Chinese police cars
Jade sculpture
Trying Galaxy SIV
Singing for the crowd
Looking at the kings
Floppy bunny
Feeding the squirrel
Flying gull
Cloisonne lab
London from the sky
Italian police bike
Modern Milan skyline
Couple of tourist along the Seine
Dish of chocolate pralines
Nightlife in Shanghai
Horse coach
Field of lettuce
Ancient grass
Crane jig
Duck in the park
Bollards & ropes
White queen
Salt mines
Sun and snow
Shoes sales
Green table
Lonely drink
Lot of pumpkins
Baskets of fruit
Neckties for sale
Royal Palace
Greater flamingo
Railway station
Ham dish
Decadence window
Field of artichokes
Eiffel replicas
Alone in the wood
Brushes and tempera
Santa china
Blowing Mont Blanc
Venetian mask
Galaxy marble
Autumnal road
Hands shaking
Swimming wear sales
Stand of pumpkins
Frogman hi-tech masks
Queue for the pumpkins
Baywatch tower
Salami chopping
Cloisonné dishes
Immobile scorpionfish
Field irrigator
Fishermen tools
Basil leaves background
Autumnal bistrot
Cobblestones pavement
Stand of chinese products
Old-looking sugared almonds
Cornflakes breakfast
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Profile for Spat78