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Free Stock Photos from Sturmschaden
9 photos
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Steel tips for bird control
A colorful leaf sprig
Landscape on the river Weser
Rain and light thunderstorms and thunder from a distance
Broken road and repairs on a road with holes in the asphalt
Flood on the Weser
High water and flood
A river in a landscape in summer
Cancer of the skin Melanom
Flood high water on the Weser
Sunrays in the wood
Wind turbine in the Red Evening Sky with great colours
Swans with your fledglings
The sea Steinhude
A brown horse
A swan family in the water
Sunflowers in blossom
The river Weser in the spring
Landscape with straw bales after a hay harvest in summer in a field
Nuclear power station Grohnde in summer
A plum tree in autumn
A herd sheep
young horse
Chain in the snow
Quite near horse
Housewifes market the selfknitted
brown horse
Mountain in the fog
Profile for Sturmschaden