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Free Stock Photos from Tarikh Jumeer (Tarikh)
17 photos
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Governement House
Panoramic sugar cane in Mauritius
You set my world on fire
Indians shooting a movie in Mauritius
Pool of water in Mauritius
Food being cooked in cauldrons
Workers painting weather station
Tilled soil
Abstract world in iris in flames
Horse racing in Mauritius
Panoramic waterfall landscape
Panoramic view of Port Louis bus station
Ornate day gecko on leaf
Blazing forest fire
Making peace at La Paix Street
Rochester falls in Mauritius
Day gecko on tree
Weather station tower
Panoramic view of Port Louis
Shopping mall in Mauritius
Scene of civil war
Construction site
Wireless world
Urban forest
Panoramic sugar cane in Mauritius
Horse racing
Baked beans served
Red Fody bird perching
Yellow bird - Cape canary perching in natural environment
Couple of red Whiskered Bulbul birds perching under tree during gloomy weather
Big green lizard feeding in palm tree drupe - Vacoas Mauritius
The world in a nest
Bridge in the sun
The world in my hands
Bowl of noodles
The world as a an egg
The world in my hand
Precious world
The world in my hands
Tomatoes at the market
Coffee granules
Cows at the countryside
Tree with red flowers
Tiny butterfly on a leaf
Profile for Tarikh