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Free Stock Photos from Andrey Polyanskiy (Torchmeister)
24 photos
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Peacock Flower
Dawn at the sea
Peaceful sleep without any anxiety
Himalayan Agama
Prayer lamps
Tea sprout
Prayer lamps
Goat resting
The windows of office building
A man watching the sunset
Lonely house
Boats stand at the pier
Lotus Temple
Snow-covered mountain lake in the spring
Industrial zone
Apartment building
Moscow Business Center under construction
Sheep in the Himalayas
Windows of an office building
Girl reading book
Windows of an office building
Gold Christian cross
Smoking pipes behind the apartment houses
Orthodox church in the Trinity Lavra St. Sergius
Red Square Moscow
Red Square Moscow and St. Basil Cathedral
Desert sands
Dried soil
Pig in a cage
Terraced fields
Prayer lamps
Fire sparks
Business center
Orthodox church
Mountain lake
Statues of Buddha
Lighthouse by the sea
Lighthouse by the sea
Mouse in a mousetrap
Texture of buckwheat
Coniferous forest
Bridge with heavy traffic
Moscow City complex
Moscow City complex
Buddhist prayer flags
Carved wall of Taj mahal
Tea plantation and tea factory
High-rise apartment buildings
Young shoots of Rhododendron Arboreum
Orthodox churche in the Trinity Lavra St. Sergiu
A monkey mother and her baby
Moscow Business Center under construction
Profile for Torchmeister