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12 photos
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Isolated thatched hut
Hindu temple pond Mangalore
African djembe with Kente cloth
African American child and dog
Black coocking pot heated on fire
Children making artwork
Indonesian musician
Clothing racks with colored wedding dresses
Luxury camping
Indian god shiva
Waste water cleaning plant
Departure ferry boat
Airplane with contrail
Charriot with lord Shiva, temple Mangalore, India
Old antiques shop exterior
Luxury camping
Traditional african drum player
Waiting donkey Petra
Tropical vegetables on indian market
Waterlily ripples
Main entrance gate Mysore palace
Camel and pyramid
Street of Paramaribo
African Fertility Symbol
Staring sheep
Luxury camping
Tractor mowing grass
African music instrument
French roof tiles
Mowing grass
ferris wheel
Enlighted Buddha
Marriage farmer couple
Corinthian columns
Giant Lying Buddha
mowing grass machine
Isolated church organ
Scottish highland cow
House construction site
Indian gods Lakshmi and Vishnu
Profile for Worldshots