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Free Stock Photos from Xacrit
13 photos
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Gold Buddha amulet locket
Goddes of land miniature
Isolated image of Indonesian zalacca
The blessing hand of Buddha sculpture
The yellow mahogany bark texture
Gold dargon miniture
The blessing hand of Buddha sculpture
The isolated funny rag doll
Yellow beatle toy car
The praying hands of the guardian angel
The funny rag doll
The guardian angel
The ancient Buddha statue in front of the pagangel
Chinese doughnuts
The guardian angel
Thai rice gruel
The sunken temple in Kanchanburi
The sunken temple in Kanchanburi
The fierce face of yogi
The ancient brick column in Ayutthaya
The ancient brick column in Ayutthaya
The ancient reclining Bhuddha
Silver Ganesha God miniature
The ancient Buddha statue in front of the pagangel
The ancient Buddha statue in front of the pagangel
The ancient Buddha statue in front of the pagangel
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